Where: US, Texas
Job Type: Full-Time - Office
Salary: $2300
Software and coding proficiencies
- Front-end programming software such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript (vanilla JS, jQuery, ES6), Angular, and React
- Back-end software such as PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Sass
- MySQL database usage and optimization
- Wp-CLI commands
- REST API and GraphQL
- WordPress core architecture
- Gutenberg blocks
- Popular page builders such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Divi
- WooCommerce and other e-commerce extensions
- WordPress multisite
- Headless CMS and full site editing
- Semantic HTML5 coding
- Accessibility (WCAG 2.0+, WCAG 3, UAAG, ARIA, etc.)
- SEO best practices
- Design software such as Adobe Cloud, Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, AEM, and Figma
- Version control software such as Gulp, Grant, Blaze meter, SVN, or GitHub
Soft skills
- Self-motivated
- Good analytic skills
- Strong attention to detail
- Strong problem-solving skills